System-level container images are used by all users. You can obtain images from Lenovo salesperson or import images into LiCO as system-level container images. This section describes how to create and import system-level container images.
Download from, includes the following singularity bootstrap(definition) files, then we can use it to create images.
File name | Framework | CPU/GPU | Comments |
caffe-1.0-cpu | Caffe | CPU | |
NVCaffe-0.17.3-gpu-cuda102 | Caffe | CUDA 10.2 | |
cvat-2.3.0 | Other | CPU | |
intel-caffe-1.1.6-cpu | Intel-caffe | CPU | |
intel-python-3.10 | Other | CPU | |
intel-pytorch-2.0.1-cpu | PyTorch | CPU | |
intel-tensorflow-1.15.2-cpu | TensorFlow | CPU | |
intel-tensorflow-2.10.0-cpu | TensorFlow | CPU | |
jupyter-default | Jupyter | CPU CUDA 12.0.1 |
jupyter-py39 | Jupyter | CPU CUDA 12.0.1 |
jupyter-py310 | Jupyter | CPU CUDA 12.0.1 |
jupyterlab-default | JupyterLab | CPU CUDA 12.0.1 |
jupyterlab-py39 | JupyterLab | CPU CUDA 12.0.1 |
jupyterlab-py310 | JupyterLab | CPU CUDA 12.0.1 |
llama2-finetuning-cu123 | Other | CUDA 12.3 | |
llama2-testing-cu123 | Other | CUDA 12.3 | |
letrain-2.1.0-cuda120 | LeTrain | CPU CUDA 12.0.1 |
letrain-2.0.0-xpu | LeTrain | XPU | |
mxnet-1.9.1-cpu | Mxnet | CPU | |
mxnet-1.9.1-gpu-cuda112 | Mxnet | CUDA 11.2 | |
neon-2.6-cpu | Neon | CPU | |
onnx-1.17.1-cuda122 | ONNX | CPU CUDA 12.2 |
paddle-2.4.0-cuda120 | paddlepaddle | CPU CUDA 12.0.1 |
pytorch-2.1.0-cuda121 | PyTorch | CPU CUDA 12.1.1 |
rstudio | RStudio | CPU CUDA 12.0.1 |
scikit-single-cpu | Scikit | CPU | |
tensorflow-1.15.5-cuda121 | TensorFlow | CPU CUDA 12.1.0 |
tensorflow-1.15.5-cuda121-hbase | TensorFlow | CPU CUDA 12.1.0 |
Supports HBase |
tensorflow-1.15.5-cuda121-keras | TensorFlow | CPU CUDA 12.1.0 |
Supports Keras(2.11.0) |
tensorflow-1.15.5-cuda121-mongodb | TensorFlow | CPU CUDA 12.1.0 |
Supports MongoDB |
tensorflow-1.15.2-mkl | TensorFlow | CPU | |
tensorflow-2.12.0-cuda121 | TensorFlow | CPU CUDA 12.1.1 |
tensorrt-8.5.3-cuda120 | TensorRT | CUDA 12.0.1 |
Step 1. Prepare a build node with a minimum storage of 100 GB.
Step 2. To the build node, ensure that squashfs-tools, libarchive, and make are installed.
Step 3. To the build node, upload the compressed image bootstrap file you obtained which named
. For example, upload the compressed package to the new directory /opt/images
. If the new directory cannot be found, create it manually. Note that both this new directory and /var/tmp
cannot be an NFS mount.
Step 4. To the build node, run the following commands to extract the compressed package.
cd /opt/images
Step 5. To the build node, do one of the following to create image. The created image file is in the dist folder of the current directory.
Run the following commands to create all images at once:
cd /opt/images/image_bootstrap
make all
Run the following commands to create a group images at once:
cd /opt/images/image_bootstrap
make caffe
make intel-caffe
make intel-python
make intel-pytorch
make intel-tensorflow
make jupyter
make jupyterlab
make llama2
make mxnet
make neon
make onnx
make paddlepaddle
make pytorch
make rstudio
make scikit
make tensorflow
make tensorrt
make cvat
make letrain
Notes: Check the network when one of the following errors is displayed:
Step 1. Copy the created images to the management node.
For example, copy the images to directory /opt/images
. Note that both this directory and /var/tmp
cannot be an NFS mount
Step 2. Run the following commands to import images into LiCO:
cd /opt/images
lico import_image caffe-cpu caffe-1.0-cpu.image caffe
lico import_image NVCaffe NVCaffe-0.17.3-gpu-cuda102.image caffe
lico import_image intel-caffe intel-caffe-1.1.6-cpu.image intel-caffe
lico import_image intel-python intel-python-3.10.image other
lico import_image tensorflow tensorflow-1.15.5-cuda121.image tensorflow
lico import_image tensorflow-mkl tensorflow-1.15.2-mkl.image tensorflow
lico import_image tensorflow-hbase tensorflow-1.15.5-cuda121-hbase.image tensorflow
lico import_image tensorflow-keras tensorflow-1.15.5-cuda121-keras.image tensorflow
lico import_image tensorflow-mongodb tensorflow-1.15.5-cuda121-mongodb.image tensorflow
lico import_image tensorflow2 tensorflow-2.12.0-cuda121.image tensorflow2
lico import_image intel-tensorflow intel-tensorflow-1.15.2-cpu.image tensorflow
lico import_image intel-tensorflow2-cpu intel-tensorflow-2.10.0-cpu.image tensorflow2
lico import_image mxnet-cpu mxnet-1.9.1-cpu.image mxnet
lico import_image mxnet-gpu mxnet-1.9.1-gpu-cuda112.image mxnet
lico import_image neon neon-2.6-cpu.image neon
lico import_image letrain letrain-2.1.0-cuda120.image letrain
lico import_image letrain-xpu letrain-2.0.0-xpu.image letrain
lico import_image jupyter-default jupyter-default.image jupyter -t py38 -t cpu -t gpu
lico import_image jupyter-py39 jupyter-py39.image jupyter -t py39 -t cpu -t gpu
lico import_image jupyter-py310 jupyter-py310.image jupyter -t py310 -t cpu -t gpu
lico import_image jupyterlab-default jupyterlab-default.image jupyterlab -t py38 -t cpu -t gpu
lico import_image jupyterlab-py39 jupyterlab-py39.image jupyterlab -t py39 -t cpu -t gpu
lico import_image jupyterlab-py310 jupyterlab-py310.image jupyterlab -t py310 -t cpu -t gpu
lico import_image pytorch pytorch-2.1.0-cuda121.image pytorch
lico import_image intel-pytorch-cpu intel-pytorch-2.0.1-cpu.image pytorch
lico import_image rstudio rstudio.image rstudio -t cpu -t gpu
lico import_image scikit scikit-single-cpu.image scikit
lico import_image tensorrt8 tensorrt-8.5.3-cuda120.image tensorrt -t tensorrt
lico import_image cvat cvat-2.3.0.image other
lico import_image paddlepaddle paddle-2.4.0-cuda120.image paddlepaddle
lico import_image onnx onnx-1.17.1-cuda122.image onnx
lico import_image llama2-finetuning llama2-finetuning-cu123.image other -t llama
lico import_image llama2-testing llama2-testing-cu123.image other -t llama