Directing xCAT to install to the RSTe array

The disk to specify would be /dev/md/Volume0_0. To do this in xCAT, create a file called /install/custom/el7rste.partitions containing the following:

ignoredisk --only-use=/dev/md/Volume0_0
part /boot/efi --size 50 --ondisk /dev/md/Volume0_0 --fstype efi
part /boot --size 512 --fstype xfs --ondisk /dev/md/Volume0_0
part swap --recommended --ondisk /dev/md/Volume0_0
part pv.01 --size 1 --grow --ondisk /dev/md/Volume0_0
volgroup system pv.01
logvol / --vgname=system --name=root --size 1 --grow --fstype xfs
bootloader  --boot-drive=Volume0_0

Modify the osimage to use this file, for example:

 chdef -t osimage centos7.5-x86_64-install-compute partitionfile=/install/custom/el7rste.partitions

Future nodeset commands will target the RSTe volume.

Adding support to 7.4 (not needed for 7.5 or newer)

EL 7.5 and newer include support, for 7.4 it is required to download the RSTe software from Lenovo support site

Then, extract the archive to get the install iso:

$ tar xf intc-lnvgy_dd_iastor_rste5.3-693_linux_x86_64.tgz

Then extract updates.img from the iso. You could loop mount or use isoinfo to extract:

$ isoinfo -i intc-lnvgy_dd_iastor_5.3-693_linux_x86_64/rste-5.3_rhel7.4.iso -R -x /updates.img > /install/rste.img

Set bootparams.addkcmdline to pull in the given update:

$ nodegrpch rste bootparams.addkcmdline=" updates=http://<>/install/rste.img"

From this point forward, any members of the rste group will pull in the RSTe software on install.