It is possible with the Lenovo xCAT and confluent software to install EL7 over Omnipath.

Preparing for OPA install

It is recommended to make groups to describe the required changes. For example, this document will assume an ‘opa’ group.

Net config fixup postscript

OPA network configuration does not work as expected out of the box. Here is a postscript to fix:

# cat /install/postscripts/opaboot 
echo 'install hfi1 /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install hfi1; sleep 10; /sbin/modprobe ib_ipoib' > /etc/modprobe.d/hfi.conf
echo 'ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="net", ATTR{type}=="32", RUN+="/sbin/ifup %E{INTERFACE}"' > /etc/udev/rules.d/60-ib.rules

xCAT configuration

Define the opa group to have the required install argument changes, interface name, and to invoke the postscript shown above:

# nodegrpch opa bootparams.addkcmdline="rd.driver.pre=ib_ipoib rd.bootif=0" noderes.primarynic=ib0 postscripts.postscripts=opaboot

confluent configuration

xCAT does not understand how to collect addresses for omnipath. Enable confluent collection of the omnipath mac addresses:

# nodegroupdefine opa net.opa.bootable=1 discovery.policy=permissive,pxe

Gathering OPA hardware addresses and putting into xCAT

When confluent is configured to do ‘zero power’ discovery, it can collect mac addresses for boot devices such as OmniPath without having to describe the fabric topology. This document assumes familiarity with Node discovery and autoconfiguration with confluent and that the management network discovery has been configured..

Have the systems attempt to network boot over OPA. For example:

# nodeboot opa net

After the system attempts PXE boot, the discovery mechanism should provide attributes suitable for feeding to xCAT. The following commands can help show this:

# nodediscover list -t pxe-client -f node,serial,mac
 Node|   Serial|                     Mac
 opa1| J1001PNE| 00:11:75:01:01:0d:cd:c7
 opa1| J1001PNE|       08:94:ef:50:23:60

# nodeattrib opa1 net.opa.hwaddr
opa1: net.opa.hwaddr: 00:11:75:01:01:0d:cd:c7

To actually populate xCAT, the confluent2xcat command may be used. If the node is not yet defined to xCAT at all:

[root@mgt ~]# confluent2xcat opa1 -o opa.stanza
[root@mgt ~]# mkdef -z < opa.stanza 
1 object definitions have been created or modified.

Or to add the mac address to existing node, the mac.csv may be useful:

[root@mgt ~]# confluent2xcat opa -m mac.csv
[root@mgt ~]# tabrestore -a mac.csv 

Performing the install

At this point, install can proceed as any normal install:

# nodeset opa1 osimage=centos7.4-x86_64-install-compute
# nodeboot opa1 net

Accessing without fabric

If an issue occurs where the server is up, but the fabric is unreachable and login or scp is required, a backup path is available through the XCC:

# ssh -p 3389 $(noderun -n opa1 echo {bmc})
Last login: Wed Apr 16 13:09:47 2017 from
[root@opa1 ~]# 

All ssh capabilities are available, including scp:

# scp -P 3389 testfile $(noderun -n opa1 echo [{bmc}]):~
testfile                                        100%   16MB   2.7MB/s   00:06    

As well as rsync:

# rsync -ave 'ssh -p 3389' testfile $(noderun -n opa1 echo [{bmc}]):/