In order to use a Cumulus switch with confluent, it requires installation of the affluent agent. Install the .deb file from /opt/confluent/share/affluent/ onto the switch:

# scp /opt/confluent/share/affluent/*.deb cumulus@r4c1:~
# ssh -t cumulus@r4c1 sudo apt install ~cumulus/affluent_*.deb

Note that if the installation occured after confluent tried to interrogate the switch, you may need to restart confluent:

# systemctl restart confluent

With that installation complete, the switch merely has to be added to confluent. Use the resolvable hostname or ip address as the nodename(s):

# nodedefine r4c1 type=switch hardwaremanagement.method=affluent

If the user and password is not set by the group (e.g. everything), then set those attributes as well:

# nodeattrib r4c1 -p switchuser switchpass

The user and password would be the same that you would use to ssh into the switch.

With a managed switch, nodehealth, nodesensors, nodefirmware, and nodeinventory work:

# nodehealth r4c1
r4c1: critical (PSU1:status is all_not_ok, 1, 1, installed)
# nodesensors r4c1
r4c1: Fan Tray 3: 3863 RPM
r4c1: Fan Tray 2: 3977 RPM
r4c1: Fan Tray 1: 4204 RPM
r4c1: PSU2:
r4c1: PSU1: critical,status is all_not_ok, 1, 1, installed
r4c1: CPU board: 37.50000 °C
r4c1: Fan board: 33.00000 °C
r4c1: Ambient 2: 47.00000 °C
r4c1: Ambient 1: 36.50000 °C
r4c1: Networking ASIC Die Temp Sensor: 50.10000 °C
r4c1: Networking ASIC Die Temp Sensor: 51.30000 °C
r4c1: Networking ASIC Die Temp Sensor: 50.10000 °C
r4c1: Core 1: 29.00000 °C
r4c1: Core 0: 29.00000 °C
# nodeinventory r4c1
r4c1: System Manufacturer: Lenovo
r4c1: System Serial Number: NNNNNNNN
r4c1: System Product name: Lenovo ThinkSystem NE0152T RackSwitch
r4c1: System Model: 7Y81CTO1WW
r4c1: System Board manufacture date: 03/05/2019 13:33:34
r4c1: System Revision: 4
# nodefirmware r4c1 
r4c1: Cumulus Linux: 4.2.0

Also, the /networking API and dependent discovery functionality is enabled.